My baby is getting older. She's already kinda crawling in her own way, okay it's more like rolling. She stood up on her own today. I looked up and she had pulled herself up on one of her toys. And those darn teeth are making their way slowly out of her gums. Pretty soon she'll be talking and walking, and wrestling with Cookie.
But, there still lingers that baby smell. It's almost gone, I can feel it slowly melting away. So whenever I get a chance, I inhale her smell. There is nothing like that baby smell or that soft feel of a baby head. I catch myself rubbing her sweet little noggin, knowing that one day, without warning, that smooth baby soft down on her head will completely be gone. I rub it so often, that when we were out the other day at a cafe, another patron thought she accidentally bumped Jelly Bean while going to her table....I had to sheepishly admit, that no, there was no bumpage (I don't think that is really a word, but I'm using it anyways), I just rub it because that soft tuft will be gone soon enough.
I think once those teeth are in, I have to throw in the towel and admit that there are no more babies for us. Sometimes being a parent is bitter sweet. You look forward to all those firsts: crawling, walking, talking, riding a bike, etc. But at the same time, as each milestone is celebrated, there is a little sadness as to what had been . Memories of sweet baby kisses, where slobber and drool was cute and sweet, instead of gross and disgusting is what you have left of that time that goes too quick.
I can't wait to see what my children become, but sometimes I just want to stop time and get one last wiff.
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